문·사·철+북 리딩/Writing 글쓰기12 writing a story Ruby-the eldest and the most posh princess anyone could have ever known. She is very fashionable, loves shopping and make-up. Tries to look her best all the time-especially when Ruben, the handsome prince is around . Harmony-you’ll probably think that she’s the peace maker of the family. That’s totally wrong. She’s very active and sporty, the fast runner in the royal f.. 2015. 8. 14. Good research paper topics for college students Good research paper topics for college students Posted on October 5, 2011 by Taylor Massey You’ve considered our tips, you’ve learned all the tricks, but you’re having trouble just getting started on your research paper. Good research paper ideas take creativity but sometimes choosing a research topic is the most difficult part, so we’ve gathered some ideas for research paper topics for.. 2011. 10. 11. 글쓰기 본능 우리 인간에겐 기록 본능이 있었다. 캄캄한 동굴 속에서 살던 선사시대 인간도 어둠 속에서 동굴벽화를 남겼다. 4명의 어린애들에 의해 1940년에 발견된 라스코 동굴 벽화는인류의 가장 오래된 기록으로서 사냥꾼 이야기 그림이다. 그림을 볼 때 전달하려는 이야기 구성임을 알수 있다. 글이 없었던 유.. 2011. 1. 16. 사진, Fiendship 초등학교 입학식 첫날 한 애가 내게 좋은 친구가 되어줄 수 있느냐고 물었다. 그 때가 우리가 6살 이었다. 우리 둘 다 밝은색깔의 조끼 점퍼를 입었고 머리에는 앵무새처럼 머리핀을 꼽고 있었다. “내가 어떻게 해야 하는데?” 라고 조금은 겁먹은 듯이 대답했다. 그날 너무 많은 일들이 .. 2011. 1. 10. Magi Atwood Handmade in Canada By Robert McCrum 12:00 PM Monday Dec 13, 2010 With almost 50 books to her name, the formidably intelligent Margaret Atwood is a force to be reckoned with. She talks to Robert McCrum about cowardly politicians, her love of birds and why she's joined the Twitterati. It's 25 years since the publication of her dystopic masterpiece The Handmaid's Tale, but Margaret Atwood firmly re.. 2011. 1. 10. Academic Writing Site -ESL, MLA etc http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ 우연히 지나가다 발견한 싸이트인데 특히 ESL 등 많은 도움이 될 것 같아서 가보시길 권합니다. The OWL at Purdue University Help Improve OWL: Click here to participate in the OWL Usability Survey! OWL Family of Sites > The OWL at Purdue > MLA Formatting and Style Guide OWL Resource Browse OWL Resources The W.. 2008. 3. 8. Winning Essay Winning Essay: Will Okun 2008. 1. 27. <연애 편지> Romantic Love Letters To My Sweetheart A Collection Of Romantic Love Letters And Romantic Stories There is nothing in this world that is more wonderful than love. This website celebrates the love and romance that I have found with my sweetheart. I have written a number of romantic love letters and romantic stories and I am sharing some of them here. I hope you enjoy reading these romantic love .. 2008. 1. 12. 도리스 레싱 지난 주에 있었던 올 노벨 문학상 수상자 도리스 레싱의 수상 연설문을 오늘 보왔다. 90년 나이 때문에 몸이 불편해서인지 수상식장에 직접 나타나지는 못했고 그녀의 수상 연설문은 대신 낭독하였다. 그녀가 통탄한 대로 요사이 젊은이들은 책을 읽지 않는다는 것이다. 그녀가 예를 드는 것과 같이 요.. 2007. 12. 15. Some Criteria for a Good Paper Some Criteria for a Good Paper Does your essay clearly and precisely define a fundamental human question which the text you are writing about addresses? Does your essay go on to demonstrate what position -- or positions -- the text takes on this issue? Does your introduction clearly and articulately identify those aspects of the text you plan to write about? Have you carefully selected those as.. 2007. 9. 23. 글쓰기 ‘To write is certainly not to impose a form (of expression) on the matter of lived experience…Writing is a question of becoming, always incomplete, always in the midst of being formed, and goes beyond the matter of any liveable or lived experience. Writing is inseparable from becoming: in writing, one becomes-woman, becomes-animal or vegetable, becomes-molecule to the point of becoming-impe.. 2007. 6. 21. 내면의 과정 the process of writing inner life 2007. 5. 13. 이전 1 다음