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시와 언어/詩 Korean Poetry

혁명. 푸르른 날

by 추홍희블로그 2005. 11. 1.

푸르른 날




Azure day


On days of dazzling azure

I must yearn for the one I love.


In the place where autumn flowers bloomed,

green wearily fades into red or brown.


What shall we do when it snows?

What shall we do when spring comes again?


Suppose I die, and you survive!

Suppose you die, and I survive!


On days of dazzling azure

I must yearn for the one I love.


서정주-밤이 깊으면 The Early Lyrics 1941-1960.

Brother Anthony of Taize 번역.


혁명 -서정주-


조개 껍질의 붉고 푸른 문의는

멫천년을 혼자서 용솟음 치든

바다의 바다의 소망이리라.


가지가 찢어지게 열리는 꽃은

날이 날마닥 여기와 소근대든

바람의 바람의 소망이리라.


아 - 이 검붉은 징역의 땅우에

홍수와 같이 몰려 오는 혁명은

오랜 하눌의 소망이리라.




The red and green pattern mottling the shell

is the sea's hope, the sea's,

that has seethed alone for thousands of years.


The flowers that unfold till the braches crack

are the wind's hope, the wind's,

that comes and whispers here day after day.


Ah! The revolution now spreading like a flood

across our land with its crimson servitude

is truly heaven's own long-kept hope.


'시와 언어 > 詩 Korean Poetry' 카테고리의 다른 글

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