말처럼 고상한 나무에 대한 목수의 분노
A Sawyer's Rage Against Trees Noble As Horses
It is even, the way the trees,
in coming up from the ground,
from nothing, from a nut,
take liberties in spreading out
like animals, like us. But, brutes
of a chosen ground, they stand
around in suction, dark, grouped
like witnesses afraid to act
beside the accidents of roads
and more afraid to cross except
packed in a squirrel's cheek,
in nuts, or in a fairy's flight
of seed. Their undersides are dark
in contrast to the strong, blond,
human inner arm; even the ground
beneath them is a hairy damp,
dirty as groins. Oh we will cut
them down to boards, pulp, dust,
and size: fury the ax, fury the saw
will cure their spreading stands;
courage will make the world plain.
Alan Dugan
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