10 reasons why life really does begin at 50
I'm not sure it does begin at 50. I was thinking it began at 40! I'm 47, but maybe when I get to be 50 I'll agree!
Here are some reasons it begins at 40/50
1. Maturity
2. Courage-don't really care what others think or say
3. Your probably past the dating scene, can relax a little not so worried about looks and weight issues
4. Maybe you have your cars paid off by now
5. You probably know by now "what you want to be when you grow up."
6. Maybe you've been promoted in your company to a boss so you don’t have to report to many others.
7. Maybe your young children are grown and left the house
8. You begin to understand what it means to be spiritual and more about the universe
9. You can see just how naive the younger generation can be and it's comical.
10. Last but not least, you realize it could have started at 20, why did you wait?
Life may begin at 40, but the fun really starts at 50
Last updated at 12:20 AM on 18th May 2010
Reaching the age of 50 is something of a milestone and, for most us, it's not a terribly appealing one.
Our youth is a long way behind us and ahead lies the uncertain prospect of retirement and old age.
But there's a group of scientists who say we should be looking forward to 50.
Rather than marking the beginning of the end, our half-century heralds the start of our best years.
Free of the stresses of forging a career, finding a spouse and bringing up young children, our worries fade and feelings of happiness start to surge.

A group of scientists say we should look forward to 50, as it's the beginning of our best years
We also enjoy life more and begin to become more content.
If that weren't enough, things continue to get better with each decade, dispelling the myth of grumpy old men and women. Men, incidentally, are more cheerful than women throughout life.
The researchers asked 340,000 American men and women aged between 18 and 85 how contented they were with their life.
They were also asked how often they experienced specific emotions such as happiness, enjoyment, stress and worry.
Levels of stress and anger dip from our early 20s and continue to decline throughout life. Worry, however, continues to be a problem until our 50s, when it begins tail off.
Happiness and enjoyment begin to rise at a similar age and are still on the up at 85 - the oldest age studied.
The researchers, from Stony Brook University, New York State, say that age brings with it wisdom and the ability to be in tune with our feelings.
Studies have shown that older people are also better at screening out negatives and focusing on the good.
The may also be better at reining in their temper and savouring enjoyable experiences.
Other researchers have claimed that improvements in healthcare, education and life expectancy have made the mid-life crisis at thing of the past.
Life does not begin at 40, they say, instead a second one begins.
Improvements in healthcare, education and life expectancy mean 'wobbles' around the age of 40 are now less likely, psychologists claimed last month.
By that time, most will have married, bought a home and chosen a career. With those difficult decisions behind them, they are then free to start enjoying life and learn from their mistakes.
Dr Carlo Strenger, of Israel's Tel Aviv University, said: 'If you make fruitful use of what you have discovered about yourself in the first half of your life, the second half can be the most fulfiling.
'Most people can anticipate a second life, if not a second career.'
Dr Strenger said anyone not convinced need only look at the life of Elliott Jaques, the psychoanalyst who coined the term mid-life crisis in 1965 at the age of 48.
Between then and his death aged 86 in 2003, he got married, wrote 12 books, acted as a consultant to the Church of England and the U.S. Army and produced some of his most original ideas.
Psychologist Dr Arthur Stone, of Stony Brook University, said the results support earlier research.
Older people are better able to view their life circumstances positively and are less likely to remember bad experiences.
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