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The Internet: how it changes everything about journalism

by 추홍희블로그 2009. 1. 4.
The Internet: how it changes everything about journalism 
Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard

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The Internet: how it changes everything about journalism

"Shirky’s terrific new book, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, is an excellent primer for those journalists who feel confused by the impact technology is having on their industry—those who, at some fundamental level, feel they don’t get the Internet. only a fraction of the book is directly about the news business; his narrative sweeps from Belarusian political movements to a case of New York cell phone theft. But all of Shirky’s ideas echo against the established paths of human communication. His book is fundamentally one of theory: How does technology change the ways human beings interact? And what are the implications for those institutions built around the old models?"