잉글리쉬 페이션트
"I promise, I'll come back for you. I promise, I'll never leave you."
'내 사랑, 당신을 기다리고 있어요.
어둠속에 얼마나 있었지? 하루? 일주일?
이제 불도 꺼지고 너무나 추워요.
밖에 나갈 수가 있다면 해가 있을텐데
그림을 보고 이글을 쓰느라 전등을 너무 허비했나 바요.
우린 죽어요.
많은 연인들과 사람들이 우리가 맛본 쾌락들이
우리가 들어가 강물처럼 유영했던 육체들이
이 무서운 동굴처럼 우리가 숨었던 두려움이
이 모든 자취가 내 몸에 남았으면.
우린 진정한 국가예요.
강한 자들의 이름으로 지도에 그려진 선이 아녜요.
당신은 날 바람의 궁전으로 데리고 나가겠죠.
그게 내가 바라는 전부에요.
그런곳을 당신과 함께 걷는것
친구들과 함께 지도가 없는 땅을.
전등도 꺼지고 어둠속에서 이글을 쓰고 있어요.
Do you promise? I wouldn't want to die here. I wouldn't want to die in the desert. I've always had a rather elaborate funeral in mind, with particular hymns. Very English. And I know exactly where I want to be buried. In our garden. Where I grew up. With a view of the sea. So promise me you'll come back for you.
I promise I'll come back. I promise I'll never leave you. And there's plenty of water and food. You can have a party.
Katharine is writing. The FLASHLIGHT is faint. She shivers.
...the fire is gone now, and I'm horribly cold.
I really ought to drag myself outside but then there would be the sun..
.I'm afraid I waste the light on the paintings and on writing these words.
...bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers,
fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave.
...I want all this marked on my body.
We are the real countries,
not the boundaries drawn on maps with the names of powerful men...
...I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds,
the rumors of water.
That's all I've wanted - to walk in such a place with you, with friends,
on earth without maps.
The lamp's gone out and I'm writing in the darkness.