추홍희 블로그

값싸고 몸에 좋은데 `잘 안 먹는 베스트 11 음식`

사명calling+힐링/묵상과 기도

값싸고 몸에 좋은데 `잘 안 먹는 베스트 11 음식`

추홍희블로그 2008. 7. 2. 18:58
값싸고 몸에 좋은데 `잘 안 먹는 베스트 11 음식`

건강에 좋고 값 싸며 손쉽게 구할수 있지만 '잘 안 먹는 베스트 11 음식'이 소개됐다.

1일 뉴욕타임스는 ‘지상 최고의 건강식 150가지’의 저자 조니 보든이 게재한 ‘잘 안 먹는 베스트 11 음식’을 보도했다.

아래는 보든이 선정한 11가지 음식.

사탕무는 항암효과가 있는 엽산과 천연 붉은 색소가 풍부하여 ‘붉은 시금치’라 불릴만큼 몸에 좋다. 불에 익히면 항노화및 항산화 효과가 떨어지므로 생으로 먹거나 잘게 썰어 샐러드를 만들어 먹는 것이 더 유익하다.

2. 양배추
양배추는 항암효소 분비를 돕는 영양소를 풍부하게 지니고 있다. 이것을 먹을 때는 다진 양배추 샐러드를 만들어 먹거나 샌드위치, 버거등에 얹어 먹으면 좋다.

3.스위스 근대
스위스 근대는 카로티노이드 색소를 함유해 눈에 좋으며 특히 노안에 효과가 있다.

4. 계피
계피는 혈당과 콜레스테롤을 적절하게 조절하는 기능이 있다..

5. 석류주스
석류주스는 비타민C와 노화방지물질이 풍부하여 혈압을 낮춰주는데 그만이다.

6. 말린 자두
말린자두는 항암 산화제를 많이 함유하고 있다.

7. 호박씨
호박씨는 호박의 영양분이 가장 많이 함유된 부위로 마그네슘이 풍부하다. 샐러드에 뿌려먹으면 풍미가 있다.

8. 정어리
정어리는 포화지방산을 제거하는 오메가3 지방산을 비롯, 칼슘·철분·마그네슘·인·아연·망간 등 무기질과 비타민B가 많다. 올리브유와 함께 섭취하면 금상첨화.

9. 심황
심황은 인도산 향신료로 염증과 암세포 치유에 효과가 있다. 스크램블에 섞거나 야채샐러드등에 올려 먹으면 좋다.

10. 냉동 블루베리
냉동 블루베리는 냉동을 해도 영양소가 파괴되지 않는다. 비타민과 철분이 풍부하며 요구르트나 두유등에 타서 으깬 아몬드와 함께 장기간 먹으면 좋다.

11. 통조림 호박
통조림호박은 저칼로리 영양식으로 잘알려져 있으며 유리당, 아미노산, 지방산, 무기질이 풍부하다.



The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating

beets cabbageMaybe you should be eating more beets, left, or chopped cabbage. (Credit: Evan Sung for The New York Times, left

Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. I asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his advice.

  1. Beets: Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
    How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.
  2. Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
    How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.
  3. Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
    How to eat it: Chop and saute in olive oil.
  4. Cinnamon: May help control blood sugar and cholesterol.
    How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal.
  5. Pomegranate juice: Appears to lower blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants.
    How to eat: Just drink it.
  6. Dried plums: Okay, so they are really prunes, but packed with cancer-fighting antioxidants.
    How to eat: Wrapped in prosciutto and baked.
  7. Pumpkin seeds: The most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
    How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.
  8. Sardines: Dr. Bowden calls them “health food in a can.'’ They are high in omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
    How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
  9. Turmeric: The “superstar of spices,'’ it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
    How to eat: Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish.
  10. Frozen blueberries: Even though freezing can degrade some of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, frozen blueberries are available year-round and don’t spoil; associated with better memory in animal studies.
    How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds.
  11. Canned pumpkin: A low-calorie vegetable that is high in fiber and immune-stimulating vitamin A; fills you up on very few calories.
    How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.

You can find more details and recipes on the Men’s Health Web site, which published the original version of the list last year.

In my own house, I only have two of these items — pumpkin seeds, which I often roast and put on salads, and frozen blueberries, which I mix with milk, yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies. How about you? Have any of these foods found their way into your shopping cart?