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Romantic Love Letters To My Sweetheart
A Collection Of Romantic Love Letters And Romantic Stories
If you enjoy the romantic love letters and romantic stories I have written to my sweetheart, please save this web page to your favorite sites. I will be adding more romantic love letters and romantic stories to the list from time to time.
Romantic Love Letters To My Sweetheart
Love Notes
A collection of short love notes to my sweetheart.
I Miss You - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter to my sweetheart expressing my longing to be close to her.
My Heart - A Sensual Love Letter
A sensual love letter to my sweetheart just before she left on a business trip.
I Missed You - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter expressing how much I missed my sweetheart when she was away on a business trip.
You Are... - A Romantic Love Note
A love note that I sent to my sweetheart at her work in hopes of brightening her day.
I Adore You - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter from when our relationship really began to take off.
I Long For You - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter to my sweetheart while she was away on a business trip.
Romantic Notes
A collection of short romantic notes to my sweetheart.
Goodbye For Now - A Loving Goodbye Letter
A goodbye letter that I wrote my sweetheart during a relationship break up. She must have really liked it, because it quickly lead to us getting back together.
I Have Missed Much In Life - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter telling of my joy in having her as my loving companion in life's adventures.
Excited - A Short Love Letter
A short love letter to my sweetheart from her anxious suitor.
My Heart Overflowing - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter to my sweetheart from about the time our romantic relationship really took off.
Dreams - A Romantic Story
A romantic story about a woman asking God for help.
The Big Picture - A Romantic Story
A romantic story about a woman wanting to give her sweetheart a nice picture of herself.
Friends - A Romantic Letter
This romantic letter to my sweetheart is from early in our relationship. She sent me an email saying she hoped we could be friends if things didn't work out romantically.
Dear John - A Love Letter
Early in our relationship, I wrote my own Dear John letter.
Holding Hands - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter asking my sweetheart where she would like to have dinner.
Sweet Love Notes
A collection of sweet love notes to my sweetheart.
Expecting Great Things - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter about being willing to take risks for love.
I Have The Worst Luck...A long short story - A Romantic Love Letter
A romantic letter about learning to be optimistic and expecting great things in life.
The Richest Man - A Romantic Story
A romantic story about a man being tempted by Satan.
Once Upon A Time - A Romantic Story
A romantic story (a true story) retold in the times of knights, castles and kings.
Romantic Love Notes
A collection of romantic love notes to my sweetheart