<Never too late>
스트레스 돌파하려고 일 팽개치고 (내동댕이치고) 엄청나게 책을 샀다. 물론 언제 다 읽을 수가 있겠냐만 그래도 조금 씩은 읽는다. 스캐너 도 새로 샀는데 pdf 파일 되면 부분적으로라도 올려 놓겠다.
새로 산 스캐너 방법을 잘 몰라서인지 제대로 됐는지 모르겠지만. 암튼.
내 노란색 하일라이트 한 부분은 내가 하일라이트 하는 식인데 내가 하고 싶은 말이기도 함.
The geographical, cultural and liguistic changes were dramatic, but other changes were gradual and incremental. Every decision that we made confirmed for me that life is full of options, and that we shape the future by our choices. Indecision, on the other hand, results in acceptance of a life by default. We are either pulled forward by our dreams or we drift. You have the power to choose whether to take charge of your life or succumb to external forces. It is never too late to set your compass on a new course, explore new worlds and delight in fresh discoveries.
Changing places can be the catalyst for personal transformation
You see, an extraordinary thing happens when you move into a new land, a new culture and a new life: your senses come alive.
Everything looked so different, and I swore that I would explore this new land, intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically.
Frances Mayes, the writer of 'Under the Tuscan Sun', said a similar thing of her move to Italy from California. She found her writing was not so much renewed as it was reformed: "... the place changed the rhythm in my brain and I could no longer write in lines. I was writing in sentences. That was a very big difference to me. So when I changed my life, I changed my form." I am an advocate of changing places: not only because it stimulates our senses, but because it broadens the horizon of our lives. - 책-
* Under the Tuscan Sun:
영화는 별로 재미 없지만 이태리 타스카니 지방의 풍경이 너무 멋있게 나옴.
이태리 아이콘 팬지꽃의 그 아름다운 색깔과 밭이랑 등의 언덕. 작가들이 많이 몰려들어 사는 이유도 뜨거운 태양 아래 자극을 주는 것이 많기 때문일텐데..
암튼 다시 거기에 여행가고 싶은 마음 간절하지만....(지금으로서는) 갈 수 없는 나라.*